We use a superior technology called Radio Frequency Ablation, which is similar to a laser, but more precise. It allows our doctor to remove the mole directly from the root and remove all the surrounding mole cells. This allows for minimal to no scarring and long-term results, the skin lesion is not likely to grow back. We also begin with a comprehensive consultation with our physicians which includes a history & physical and examination of your moles to ensure they are non cancerous and/or not precancerous moles and/or not malignant melanoma . Once your lesion is cleared, we bring you into our state of the art operating room to have the in-office procedure completed. You are always treated by a surgeon who has a medical assistant there to help him make the procedure as efficient as possible. Afterwards, we send you home with a helpful take-home kit that includes detailed after care/post operative instructions and healing creams to make sure the lesion heals smoothly. You also get access to our medical team via a dedicated text line if you have any further questions or need medical advice regarding your procedure!