Moles also known as nevi can appear on any area of the face or body. Common areas where moles are located are face, scalp, back, neck, eyelid, underarms and legs. Most can even appear in sensitive areas such as the groin area and between the thighs. Moles can appear singularly on the body or even in clusters on the body. Every patient is different. Sometimes moles grow during childhood and even your teenage years. However moles can also form during adulthood all over the body too. They may become darker and larger with age and hormonal factors too. Most people will have around 10 to 45 moles throughout their entire body, with most of these occurring before they are 40 years old. Additionally, most moles growing on your body are harmless and rarely become cancerous. It’s important to always monitor your moles for any usual activity. An easy way to remember what to look for is using the acronym: ABCDE.
A is for asymmetrical shape: look at the shape of your moles
B is for border: inspect your moles for irregular edges or borders
C is for changes in color: look for any changes in color or uneven colors too
D is for diameter: if a mole is growing, keep track of growths, monitor on a notebook and relay the information to your doctor
E is for evolving: always keep track of any new symptoms or changes, like itchiness, bleeding or other factors.